Dry Needling /Acupuncture
Dry needling, or medical acupuncture as it is also known, is useful in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions. Traditional Chinese acupuncture was developed over 2000 years ago using a complicated system of ancient ideas which many find difficult to understand. Dry needling takes a more medical approach in terms of understanding how these mechanisms work. It is particularly helpful with trigger points. These are painful areas within the muscle that are painful to the touch but can also be responsible for referring pain to other places. Needling the area can relieve pain both locally and in the referred area. Even without the presence of trigger points dry needling can change the way the central nervous system transmits information about the pain. It is usually pain free although some patients do report a slight pinch on insertion of the needle. However you should let your physiotherapist know if you have a phobia of needles as this may not be a suitable treatment if this is the case.It has been successfully used in the treatment of:
- Tennis elbow
- Shoulder pain
- Low back pain
- Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Tension headaches
- General muscle tightness